Coming Soon - The London Head Spa introduces our Japanese-style head spa treatments.

At The London Head Spa, we focus entirely on improving hair and scalp health while providing our clients with a soothing and relaxing ASMR experience. 

Please bear with us while we secure our new premises, and cross the t’s and dot the i’s.

As soon as we’re open for business you’ll be able to book your treatments, here, via the website.

If you’l like to be kept informed and notified once we are open for bookings, please provide your email below - And don’t worry, this is only for our opening notification - You won’t hear from us otherwise!

Thank you for your interest.


Our Treatments

The Classic Head Spa:

Upon your arrival at the salon, we will discuss your treatment and any hair concerns before preparing your hair. This preparation includes brushing and detangling, followed by a deep scalp massage and exfoliation of the skin. Once you are comfortably settled under the blankets on the heated spa bed, we will gently exfoliate and detoxify your scalp from environmental aggressors and dirt.

You are then ready for the soothing warm oils to be massaged into your skin and hair using gua sha, hair tools, and a relaxing touch.

Following this, you will enjoy a long, foaming shampoo massage and hair bath, repeated twice for a thorough clean to prepare you for the deep scalp treatment. This is the longest part of the head spa process, as we want the conditioning mask to penetrate while you are soothed by the ASMR massage.

Once your hair is conditioned, tangle-free, and ready for rinsing, a long hair brushing and hair-play session can begin.

When your head treatment is complete and you feel like a brand-new, squeaky-clean human, we will rough dry your hair, getting it ready for you to style at home.

The Ultimate Head Spa:

Upon your arrival at the salon, we will discuss your treatment and any hair concerns before preparing your hair. This preparation includes brushing and detangling, followed by a deep scalp massage and exfoliation of the skin. Once you are comfortably settled under the blankets on the heated spa bed, we will gently exfoliate and detoxify your scalp from environmental aggressors and dirt.

You are then ready for the soothing warm oils to be massaged into your skin and hair using gua sha, hair tools, and a relaxing touch.

Following this, you will enjoy a long, foaming shampoo massage and hair bath, repeated twice for a thorough clean to prepare you for the deep scalp treatment. This is the longest part of the head spa process, as we want the conditioning mask to penetrate while you are soothed by the ASMR massage.

Once the conditioning mask is rinsed out, a hair mask tailored to your needs will be applied. While it sinks in, prepare for a neck, décolletage, and face massage. Ideally, arrive makeup-free for your face massage; however, we can remove, cleanse, and tone if needed, although, please note, this will cut into the facial massage time.

Once your hair is conditioned, tangle-free, and ready for rinsing, a long hair brushing and hair-play session can begin.

When your head treatment is complete and you feel like a brand-new, squeaky-clean human, we can blow dry and style your hair with the help of a professional and experienced hairstylist, getting you ready for the day ahead.